It started with a bee…

During my first spring of balcony gardening I was pleasantly surprised to see this buzzing – and most welcome – visitor during my morning watering session. On a whim that past winter I’d bought some sunflower seeds, curious to try my hand at growing something from seed to finished plant, despite a location 14 stories in the air!

Suffice it to say the zen I found in growing flowers and, later, vegetables in the middle of an “urban jungle” has stayed with me and now I can’t imagine not having a balcony full of pots. But without a doubt, the highlight of each season is the arrival of my bee buddies. Working so hard gathering the pollen, wonderfully tolerant of my close proximity while capturing them from numerous angles. I love the idea of being connected to their hive from afar. It was the image to the right that first made me think “I should get this printed”. The shadow on the petal, the hint of the city below. As with the garden, I was hooked on capturing the beauty we so often take for granted.

The Greater Washington, DC area (the DMV) is rich with great photographic opportunities. Our sunsets alone could be an entire website. I also include my other obsession, err passion; golf. Golf courses are easy targets for the camera. Rich places for the engaged eye, be it a local municipal course or a PGA-level club. Even for the non-golfer these views can calm and draw the viewer in with shades of green against blue skies that seem to go on forever. 

I generally do not edit my photos beyond cropping and darkened edges on select images. So you’re seeing them just as they were shot, save for a couple I’ve had some fun with by applying filters and a couple with words to motivate. 

See one you like? Each image is numbered, feel free reach out by email or my contact form. My e-commerce will be online soon with a variety of media types and sizes available. 

Enjoy your visit,

JF Switzer




